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Expedition offered from € 250 including tax in Europe outside Crete & Greece
Quel permis bateau passer pour les semi-rigides ?  

What boat license go for semi-rigid?  

Depending on the environment in which you want to use your semi-rigid pneumatic boat, you will have to Choose which boat license to go through.

Indeed, as for car permits, there are distinctions between boats permits in France. How to choose the right one for the use of your semi-rigid? Orca Retail enlightens you!


Do you need a boat license to drive a semi-rigid?

Not necessarily! Indeed, it is possible to navigate in France on any type of boat permit, as soon as she does less than 6 CV (ie 4.5 kW), which makes it possible to reach speeds of approximately 12 km/h. However, and you realize it, this is only possible for the smallest pneumatic boats and you will quickly need 'A permit if you want to navigate with a standard semi-rigid boat. This also means, for example, that a permit is necessary for Jet-Ski owners.

Note that the fine planned for the driving without a license of a motor boat of more than 6 CVs without amounts to € 1,500.


What are the different types of permit for semi-rigid boat?

Coastal permit


What is a coastal permit?

As its name suggests, the coastal permit gives you the right to navigate near the land, but to what extent exactly?

The distance you can navigate thanks to a coastal license is to 6 thousand sailors, or 11.11 kilometers. This allows for example to go to small islands near the coasts, such as reaching Belle Île en Mer since Quiberon. But it is however too little if you want to go to the Anglo-Norman Islands (Guernsey and Jersey) from the French coast. It is therefore important to study the geography of the area in which you want to navigate with your semi-rigid in order to choose the right type of permit! Note that this distance applies whether on a closed water, a lake or at sea, but not on the canals and rivers, but we will come back to it.

The coastal permit has the following advantages:

  • Accessible from 16 years old
  • Navigation day and night
  • Navigation on boats of all sizes and all powers

How much does a coastal permit cost?

The price of a coastal permit is around 350 euros, to which add 108 euros in tax stamps.

What are the prerequisites for the coastal permit?

To claim a coastal license, you must be declared fit by a doctor, join an approved training center, then complete the form cerfa n ° 14681 registration request. You will also need to have an identity photo and a photocopy of your identity document.

What is the coastal permit examination?

The examination is carried out in two stages. First, you will have to take the theoretical exam. This consists of a 30-questions questionnaire. A maximum of 5 errors is tolerated for obtaining the coastal permit. The results of this examination are valid for 18 months.

Next comes the technical examination, in a situation, for a minimum 3:30 am. The examiner will examine the following points in real conditions:

  • A man's rescue at sea
  • Boat maneuver, inside or outside the port, front or rear march (start, follow a trajectory, stop, wet the anchor ...)
  • Knowledge of navigation markings and signals
  • Use of communication means on board


The haughty permit

haunter license

What is a top license?

It's very simple! A skill permit allows you to navigate on the high seas, and therefore, unlike the coastal permit, to make you beyond 6 thousand sailors of the coast.

The upper -hand permit is actually a extension Coastal permit: Indeed, the latter is required to take the examination of the upper -hand permit. Like the coastal permit, you can thanks to the top license navigate day and night, on all sizes of boats, of all powers. The skill permit is also available from the age of 16.

What are the prerequisites for the highlight permit?

To claim a high -upper license, you must be declared fit by a doctor, join an approved training center, then complete the form cerfa n ° 14681 registration request. You will also need to have an identity photo and a photocopy of your identity document.

How much does a habiturier permit cost?  

The price of a loud lounge permit (without lessons) is around 300 euros, to which adding 38 euros in tax stamps. Also remember to acquire essential equipment to the passage of the permit: compas, naval card, crash rule, pencil and eraser.

What is the examination of the habituer permit?

The enormous advantage of the upper handle, and the reason why it is cheaper than the coastal permit, is that it does not have a technical test!

Indeed, it seems acquired that you already know how to maneuver your boat following the obtaining of the coastal permit. This is why the upper -hand permit has only a theoretical test, during which the following points will be assessed:

  • Navy card reading
  • Preparation of navigation, depending on the winds, currents, etc.
  • Recognition of headlights
  • Recognition of navigation equipment
  • Tide and weather knowledge
  • Security


Interior Water Plaisance License

Interior water permit

What is an indoor marination permit?

Or rather, what do we consider as "interior waters"? In France, interior waters are made up of Canals, rivers, and lakes.

This permit therefore allows Navigating in freshwater semi-rigid with models of more than 6 horses not exceeding more than 20 meters long, or well above the standard with regard to pneumatic boats. For boats of more than 20 meters, you will need to take an extension, the Grande Pleasant Interior License, available from 18 years old. Given the nature of semi-rigid boats and their limited size, so we will not approach this particular permit in this article.

The interior marinating permit is independent of the coastal permit and upurrier. If you want to navigate the sea as in the land, you will have to obtain several permits.

What are the prerequisites for the interior boating permit?

To claim an indoor marina license, you must be declared fit by a doctor, join an approved training center, then complete the form cerfa n ° 14681 registration request. You will also need to have an identity photo and a photocopy of your identity document.

How much does an interior watershed permit cost?  

For this license, you will need training at a price of around 450 euros, to which are added € 108 of tax stamps. However, if you already have the coastal permit or upurrier, not only is the training no longer compulsory, but moreover, the cost of the tax stamp increases to 38 €!

It is therefore very interesting to pass your interior boating license once your sea permits in your pocket!

What is the examination of interior boating permit?

As the interior boating permit can happen without the granting of other boats permit, the latter provides for a theoretical examination and a technical examination.

Regarding the theoretical examination, it is again a multiple choice questionnaire, for which you have 30 seconds per response.

Regarding the technical examination, its particularity is that it takes place throughout your training. Your skills are gradually evaluated by your instructor. The points to be studied are the same as for other permits: environment, navigation rules, signals (sounds, lights, beacons, etc.) Equipment, engine, safety rules.


Navigate international waters in semi-rigid: French boat permits abroad

You now hold good permits to navigate wherever you wish in France. However, know that if you want to navigate abroad, Additional steps are essential. You cannot actually go to Italy, Spain, England or other from France to use your Zodiac without special authorization.

To go to international waters, you will need to obtain the CRR, restricted certificate of radiotelephonia. This certificate will be systematically requested abroad to use your boat or rent one.

The CRR exam is similar to the driving license code. It is a multiple choice questionnaire that relates to the program of the maritime preparation manual. The National Frequencies Agency organizes and puts exams.

Find more information on the subject on the Anf site.


Learn more about the boat license

  • Like the auto permit, your boat license can be removed or suspended (driving driving, speeding, non-compliance with regulations, etc.). If your license is removed, you will have to wait 3 years to iron it! No question of joking with that.
  • To prepare for the various boat license exams, you can study the Vagnon and / or Rousseau codes. These offer a code part and a test part to train.


You know everything about which boat license to choose for your semi-rigid! Good luck to you!



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Requests: inflatable boat license, zodiac boat license, semi-rigid boat permit.

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