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Expedition offered from € 250 including tax in Europe outside Crete & Greece
Comment sont fabriqués les bateaux semi-rigides ?

How are semi-rigid boats made?

Semi-rigid boats are increasingly popular because of their versatility and their ability to navigate in a variety of conditions. However, few people know how these boats are made. In this article, we will take a closer look at the manufacturing process of a semi-rigid boat.



The float

The first key element of any semi-rigid boat is the float. The float is the part of the boat that ensures buoyancy and stability in water. The floats of semi-rigid boats are made from a material called hypalon or neoprene (just like our repair fabrics !). These materials are known for their resistance to salt water, UV rays and chemicals. Floats are generally made up of several compartments, so that if one of the compartments is damaged, the rest of the float will continue to provide sufficient buoyancy.


The shell

The next step in making a semi-rigid boat is the shell. The shells are generally made from fiberglass, of carbon or a mixture of the two Materials.

The shell manufacturing process begins with the creation of a mold. The mold is generally made of wood or polystyrene foam. Once the mold is ready, Fiber glass and resin layers are applied to the mold to create the shell. Once the resin is hardened, the shell is removed from the mold and the finishes are provided.



The float and the shell are then assembled. The floats are fixed to the hull using Special rubber bands, called "sausages". The sausages are fixed to the hull using a special glue to ensure complete sealing.



Once the assembly is finished, the boat is equipped with All necessary accessories, such as seats, consoles, fuel tanks, motors, propellers and navigation instruments.



It is important to note that the manufacture of a semi-rigid boat is a complex process which requires a high level of competence and expertise. Semi-rigid boats manufacturers employ qualified professionals to ensure that each boat is built with the highest quality standards.

In conclusion, semi-rigid boats require meticulous and precise work to be built. The combination of resistant materials, advanced manufacturing techniques and technical know-how makes it possible to create durable, versatile and reliable semi-rigid boats.

Whether for fishing, diving, water sports or cruise, a semi-rigid boat can offer years of pleasure and adventure!


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